Untitled – or – The Octopus
From the series “Stranded – On life after imprisonment”, 20 x 20 cm, 2016 © of the artist


Born in 1982, Elsie Haddad is a documentary photographer based in Beirut.
Her work revolves around transition and change, as well as around places that hold memories and been witness to different eras and events. She is interested in people and their stories, and look for ways of sharing it. She likes to push the boundaries of the genre sometimes bringing her own fiction to the story.
In 2015, her project ‘Bogota’ was exhibited in Berlin and Beirut before winning the Photomed Festival Portfolio Award. Her series ‘The SandAlong The Way’ was also exhibited in Berlin, Jordan and Lebanon. Subsequently, she received a grant from ADPP for her project ‘Stranded – On Life After Imprisonment’ which was exhibited during the GPP “Photo week” in Dubai in 2019. In 2016, she received the Boghossian Award for her body of work.
Since 2019, she is part of Collectif 1200, a collective of 11 Lebanese photographers, working on topics related to Lebanon and the current situation. Together they showed their work in FAB (Festival des Arts de Bordeaux) in 2021 and in Casa Arabe during Photo España 2022.