From Anima Mundi, © of the artist


The physical world and other natural realms possess mysterious and spiritual elements that hold the key to our existence. Mutually interdependent, they are essential for the survival of humans, animals, plants, trees, oceans, the sun, the moon, the stars, and everything in between. These details, the kind that might go unnoticed, shape the way we interact with ourselves and the environment around us.

Highlighting the connections between our physical body, nature, and the cosmos, my photographs explore the experience of true solitude when in deep communion with nature. The visual language of stillness and contemplation evolves into the very act of meditation, a practice that improves our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The seemingly quiet landscape becomes the healer, oGen bringing about an animistic understanding of the intimate system that keeps us alive.

Spending time photographing nature helps me process my existence in the world. An extension of my mind’s eye, it is a visual gateway through which I better understand myself and the world surrounding me. Curious about the human condition, my practice is versatile and echoes themes related to the self, memory, and identity. She’s a Lebanese photographer and storyteller currently based in Sierra Leone.